
This is a rough rendering of a page from the old Prevayler wiki. Please see the new wiki for current documentation.

For most applications, prevalence is a much Simpler, much Faster and much Cheaper way of preserving your objects for future generations.   
Of course, there will be all sorts of excuses to hang on to "ye olde database", but at least now there is an option.

Apart from cost, how is Prevayler different to TimesTen?

Prevayler is orders of magnitude simpler and less error-prone, therefore. Prevayler provides transparent persistence for your business objects while TimesTen provides you a JDBC interface.

But what if I am emotionally or physically detached from Java?

See: PrevaylerPortsToOtherLanguages.

By 'excuses' I guess we mean stuff like "I have a terabyte and a half of data" (or even 5 Gigabytes) and "My entire business processes are based off of reports that run against the SQL database".

-- Alan

Here are some more excuses:

1) I am writing an application for public consumption, that may be deployed in situations where one is expected to be frugal with RAM, such as a personal computer or shared server.

2) I am worried that an explosive growth in my service will out-strip my ability to purchase RAM, and cause me to have to rearchitect the application to use disk, in the process breaking all the performance assumptions I made when I first wrote it.

These are not excuses. They're good reasons. If the proponents of Prevayler were a little less inflammatory, this site wouldn't leave me with such a bad taste in my mouth. I came here this evening because I thought Prevayler suited the application I was writing, but this site annoys me so much that the one thing it _does_ convince me, is that I want very little to do with the obvious zealots running the project.

You don't need to be this hype-heavy to sell a good product. The corollory is left to the reader.