
This is a rough rendering of a page from the old Prevayler wiki. Please see the new wiki for current documentation.


I will start with two students a project that aims to compare Prevayler and JDO. -- Rogério Atem de Carvalho.

Cool! Tell us how it goes... -- KlausWuestefeld

I will work on some projects based on Prevayler - academic timing, a bit slower than you can expect:

1) Comparision between Prevayler and JDO: strengths of each solution.
2) "Data Mining on live objects", Klaus (nice) definition for what I proposed on the list: for Prevayler to be a complete solution, Data Warehousing/OLAP issues must be considered. We aim to propose a substitute for the Star Model.
3)Prevalence in Python: initially using cPickle.

Every help is welcome! Contact me at r.carvalho@computer.org

I think it's a very interesting thing to have object prevalence implemented in Python! Very nice idea! Please tell us how it goes (or create a new topic describing it a little bit more, ok?)

-- CarlosVillela

Patrick O'Brian opened a project on SourceForge, check the pypersyst project!
Rogerio Atem