I'd like to contribute with a .NET version using Bamboo.Prevalence. It would very interesting if both implementations, the prevayler based and the bamboo based shared a similar architecture showing off best practices for prevalence based web application development. What do you think? RodrigoOliveira
Wouldn't you like to coordinate both versions? --KlausWuestefeld
A discussion about these implementations can be found here:
Jacob Kjome
I've just done a port of Presto/JSP to Bamboo/ASP.NET. It took me 2 hours to port it over from Java (I removed the Locale features, but that was it). Once Rodrigo has a look over it, it will be available within the Bamboo.PrevalenceCVS tree.
As far as best-practises for prevalence based systems, I think that is a fantastic idea.
woops, forgot to add my name, damn wiki. :) - Sean Malloy